This zine is one part of four in the Queercore series. I created these resources for the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity (CCGSD) to teach youth & educators about the history of queer punks and their culture. The creation of this booklet was funded in part by Canadian Heritage. 'Queercore' was a term for the queer punk movement -- the 'core' coming from 'hardcore.' Queer punks created their own alternative media sharing their radical politics.
In this zine, you can explore queercore's history and design tactics. I created the zine as a way to reflect the style of queercore and incorporate their imagery. Many of the images I include have been cut-and-pasted from other media sources, just like queer punks did with their zines.
Curious about the rest of the series? Download the history booklet, the reflections booklet, or the Queercore Today zine.

Below is a shorter printable version of the zine that you can fold using one of the classic techniques. To learn more about to fold the zine, check out my page about zine-making.