I've been thinking a lot of about the idea of queer public history. What would it mean to call my work queer public history? Am I a queer public historian? (Can I be?)
I was preparing to give a presentation at a graduate colloquium about my research as a PhD student in public history and wrestled with the fraught task of categorizing my queer questionings, motivations, and approaches to storying the past. I was also getting ready to attend the National Council for Public History (NCPH) 2023 Annual Meeting and devising both a panel contribution and poster to present to an audience of public historians for the first time. Born out of these hesitations and inspirations, I made this zine to give out to people I met and to accompany my poster. (Check out the poster here!)

I trimmed and stapled the paper copies of this zine during a last-minute frenzy the night before I flew to the NCPH Annual Meeting. I'm thankful for the comments and conversations about how this zine and zine-making resonated.
From now on, I'll be bringing zines to conferences instead of business cards!!!
Below are some pictures of the printed zine. Although the printed copy was in black and white, you can check out the colour version as a digital flipbook above.